Time-stamp: <2014-04-11 10:44:42 (hpaces)> colorscheme: #3y31TqZUZw0w0

Mastigamoeba balamuthi, genome assembly v5.0rc1



internal v37g
    Scaffolds (>5000 bp):
    number (large scaf)                  469
    number (gaps)                       2335
    length (cont)                   49591231 bp
    length (gaps)                    3284860 bp
    length (total)                  52876091 bp
    max length (large scaf)          1998087 bp
    min length (large scaf)             5013 bp
    average length (large scaf)       112742 bp
    median length (large scaf)         14006 bp
    1.quartile length (large scaf)      6527 bp
    3.quartile length (large scaf)     95667 bp
    uc length (large scaf)          52876091 bp
    lc length (large scaf)                 0 bp
    N95 (cont)                       1739219 bp (2)
    N90 (cont)                       1265341 bp (4)
    N75 (cont)                        914629 bp (11)
    N50 (cont)                        463157 bp (31)
    N25 (cont)                        231720 bp (71)
    N10 (cont)                         91508 bp (124)
    N5 (cont)                          21772 bp (185)
    Contigs (all):
    number (cont)                       4342
    length (cont)                   53951504 bp
    GC (cont)                             60
    max length (cont)                 213960 bp
    min length (cont)                    486 bp
    average length (cont)              12425 bp
    median length (cont)                4579 bp
    1.quartile length (cont)            2673 bp
    3.quartile length (cont)           14121 bp
    uc length (cont)                53951504 bp
    lc length (cont)                       0 bp
    N95 (cont)                        111562 bp (20)
    N90 (cont)                         84915 bp (48)
    N75 (cont)                         55947 bp (169)
    N50 (cont)                         29892 bp (497)
    N25 (cont)                         12452 bp (1187)
    N10 (cont)                          4173 bp (2312)
    N5 (cont)                           2869 bp (3098)


Comparison with previous versions v1.0 and v4.1


mapping cDNA (EST) onto the genome by gmod

Training set 90 proteins

Details of 5 problematic proteins:

id genome number_of_paths length exons coverage[%] pos_in_query pos_in_genome pos_in_scaffold ori note

>protein16 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 837 3 64.6 100.0 1..541 854853..854184 m50_s00001:854853..854184 - dir:sense
            854853 854554 1 300 100 300>    300     57
            854496 854435 301 362 100       62>     62      72
            854362 854184 363 541 100       179*    179
>protein16 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 837 1 22.5 100.0 650..837 853864..853677 m50_s00001:853864..853677 - dir:indet
            853864 853677 650 837 100       188*    188

>protein37 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 882 3 82.7 100.0 1..729 16232169..16231205 m50_s00014:648070..647106 - dir:sense
            648070 647974 1 97 100  97>     97      108
            647865 647659 98 304 100        207>    207     128
            647530 647106 305 729 100       425*    425
>protein37 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 882 1 10.7 100.0 789..882 16231043..16230950 m50_s00014:646944..646851 - dir:indet
            646944 646851 789 882 100       94*     94

>protein48 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 1815 2 48.2 99.9 1..875 20476616..20477685 m50_s00020:457073..458142 + dir:sense
            457073 457212 1 140 100 140>    140     195
            457408 458142 141 875 99        591xc 143*      735
>protein48 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 1815 2 37.1 100.0 1143..1815 20478067..20478807 m50_s00020:458524..459264 + dir:sense
            458524 458745 1143 1364 100     222>    222     68
            458814 459264 1365 1815 100     451*    451
>protein49 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 1815 2 48.2 99.9 1..875 20476616..20477685 m50_s00020:457073..458142 + dir:sense
            457073 457212 1 140 100 140>    140     195
            457408 458142 141 875 99        591xc 143*      735
>protein49 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 1815 2 37.1 100.0 1143..1815 20478067..20478807 m50_s00020:458524..459264 + dir:sense
            458524 458745 1143 1364 100     222>    222     68
            458814 459264 1365 1815 100     451*    451

>protein60 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 453 2 100.0 100.0 1..453 47599352..47598654 m50_s00124:50953..50255 - dir:sense
            50953 50741 1 213 100   213>    213     246
            50494 50255 214 453 100 240*    240
>protein60 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 453 2 100.0 100.0 1..453 54958725..54958027 m50_s01013:2892..2194 - dir:sense
            2892 2680 1 213 100     213>    213     246
            2433 2194 214 453 100   240*    240


>mastig_pfo_1 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3564 4 100.0 99.9 1..3564 40389962..40385358 m50_s00075:4606..2 - dir:sense
	4606 4523 1 84 100	84>	84	143
	4379 4195 85 269 100	185>	185	742
	3452 3173 270 549 100	280>	280	156
	3016 2 550 3564 99	743xC 800xC 1335xC 134*	3015
>mastig_pfo_2 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3609 4 100.0 99.6 1..3609 7223467..7219428 m50_s00005:933215..929176 - dir:sense
	933215 933045 1 171 100	171>	171	112
	932932 932866 172 238 100	67>	67	113
	932752 932622 239 369 100	131>	131	206
	932415 929176 370 3609 99	377xT 0xC 1xT 95xA 56xC 3xG 262xC 359xC 1061xA 683xT 9xC 10xA 19xT 292*	3240
>mastig_pfo_3 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3711 3 100.0 99.9 1..3711 23051436..23055725 m50_s00025:159618..163907 + dir:sense
	159618 159719 1 102 100	102>	102	149
	159869 160289 103 523 99	23xT 275xC 41xA 79>	421	430
	160720 163907 524 3711 99	1655xA 1532*	3188
>mastig_pfo_4 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3621 5 100.0 99.8 1..3621 7790767..7786559 m50_s00006:235174..230966 - dir:sense
	235174 235080 1 95 100	95>	95	165
	234914 234734 96 276 99	117xG 63>	181	250
	234483 234452 277 308 100	32>	32	101
	234350 231243 309 3416 99	522xT 59xC 830xT 1265xC 428>	3108	72
	231170 230966 3417 3621 99	147xC 57*	205
>mastig_pfo_5 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3273 3 99.6 99.8 1..3259 7720534..7724093 m50_s00006:164941..168500 + dir:sense
	164941 165123 1 183 100	183>	183	201
	165325 165647 184 506 100	323>	323	99
	165747 168500 507 3259 99	405xT 320xT 92xC 736xG 306xG 8xC 251xG 623v 5*	2753
>mastig_pfo_6 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/2 3750 7 96.2 99.7 145..3750 28817941..28813788 m50_s00037:58707..54554 - dir:sense
	58707 58548 145 304 100	160>	160	57
	58490 58311 305 435 100	55v 0v!48 76>	131	70
	58240 58093 436 580 100	144v 0v!2 1>	145	63
	58029 57171 581 1441 99	378xC 56^C 0^G 14xC 26xC 179xT 41xC 160>	861	176
	56994 56765 1442 1671 99	40xG 189>	230	62
	56702 56418 1672 1956 99	86xT 198>	285	70
	56347 54554 1957 3750 100	1794*	1794
>mastig_pfo_6 mastiga_v5.0rc1 2/2 3750 1 3.4 100.0 1..127 28818166..28818040 m50_s00037:58932..58806 - dir:indet
	58932 58806 1 127 100	127*	127


>mastiga_hyd_01 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 1515 6 100.0 99.8 1..1515 6890340..6892449 m50_s00005:600088..602197 + dir:sense
	600088 600131 1 44 100	44>	44	129
	600261 600328 45 112 100	68>	68	263
	600592 601024 113 545 100	433>	433	81
	601106 601541 546 981 99	36xC 166xC 30xA 201>	436	73
	601615 601932 982 1299 100	318>	318	49
	601982 602197 1300 1515 100	216*	216
>mastiga_hyd_02 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 1542 1 99.2 100.0 13..1542 11638575..11640104 m50_s00009:731344..732873 + dir:indet
	731344 732873 13 1542 100	1530*	1530
>mastiga_hyd_03 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2211 6 100.0 99.8 1..2211 21772125..21769132 m50_s00023:28487..25494 - dir:sense
	28487 28446 1 42 100	42=	42	158	GG-AC
	28287 28215 43 115 100	73>	73	107
	28107 27821 116 402 99	1xT 285=	287	360	AT-AG
	27460 27023 403 840 99	113xa 324=	438	88	AA-AG
	26934 25705 841 2073 100	1228^C 0^G 0^C 2>	1233	73
	25631 25494 2074 2211 100	138*	138
>mastiga_hyd_04 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2622 9 100.0 99.0 1..2621 18373286..18376368 m50_s00017:366115..369197 + dir:sense
	366115 366174 1 60 100	60>	60	123
	366298 366473 61 236 99	113xT 62>	176	54
	366528 366794 237 503 100	267)	267	55	GC-AG
	366850 367015 504 669 100	166>	166	53
	367069 367169 670 770 99	86xA 14>	101	46
	367216 367429 771 984 100	214>	214	49
	367479 368585 985 2091 99	335xA 17xA 41xG 5xA 20xC 518xT 11xA 5xG 38xC 44xA 56xC 6>	1107	43
	368629 368915 2092 2378 97	14xG 12xC 27xT 45xG 59xC 35xC 38xT 50>	287	39
	368955 369197 2379 2621 97	84xA 47xG 12xA 49xT 8xC 8xT 29*	243
>mastiga_hyd_05 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 3225 8 100.0 99.9 1..3225 3564548..3568700 m50_s00002:1566461..1570613 + dir:sense
	1566461 1566520 1 60 100	60)	60	107	GC-AG
	1566628 1566803 61 236 100	176>	176	431
	1567235 1567495 237 497 100	261>	261	136
	1567632 1567797 498 663 100	166>	166	90
	1567888 1567988 664 764 100	101>	101	50
	1568039 1568252 765 978 100	214>	214	56
	1568309 1569415 979 2085 100	1107>	1107	57
	1569473 1570613 2086 3225 99	956xG 57xG 66v 59*	1140
>mastiga_hyd_06 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2064 3 100.0 99.9 1..2064 21771794..21769253 m50_s00023:28156..25615 - dir:sense
	28156 27848 1 309 100	309>	309	387
	27460 27025 310 745 99	113xa 322)	436	90	GC-AG
	26934 25615 746 2064 99	1xC 0v 1317*	1319
>mastiga_hyd_07 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2703 6 100.0 100.0 1..2703 18617923..18621044 m50_s00017:610752..613873 + dir:sense
	610752 610820 1 69 100	69>	69	77
	610898 611076 70 248 100	179>	179	175
	611252 611521 249 518 100	270>	270	57
	611579 611851 519 791 100	273>	273	56
	611908 612121 792 1005 100	214)	214	54	GC-AG
	612176 613873 1006 2703 100	1698*	1698
>mastiga_hyd_08 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2121 7 100.0 99.7 1..2121 17892617..17895218 m50_s00016:667486..670087 + dir:sense
	667486 667791 1 306 100	306)	306	188	GC-AG
	667980 668428 307 755 100	449>	449	68
	668497 668662 756 921 100	166>	166	59
	668722 668822 922 1022 100	101)	101	56	GC-AG
	668879 669093 1023 1236 100	209v 5>	214	60
	669154 669335 1237 1418 97	44xA 20xG 20xA 14xC 0xT 79>	182	49
	669385 670087 1419 2121 99	639xT 63*	703
>mastiga_hyd_09 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2865 6 100.0 100.0 1..2865 8022838..8019647 m50_s00006:467245..464054 - dir:sense
	467245 466491 1 755 100	755>	755	79
	466411 465890 756 1277 100	522>	522	59
	465830 465084 1278 2024 100	747>	747	49
	465034 464896 2025 2163 100	139>	139	48
	464847 464561 2164 2450 100	287>	287	46
	464514 464054 2451 2865 100	237v 0v!45 178*	415
>mastiga_hyd_010 mastiga_v5.0rc1 1/1 2373 4 100.0 99.8 1..2373 18617763..18620420 m50_s00017:610592..613249 + dir:antisense
	610592 611077 1 486 100	486=	486	175	TA-GC
	611253 611842 487 1076 100	590<	590	56
	611899 612119 1077 1297 98	2xC 1xC 0xT 1xG 213=	221	54	AG-TT
	612174 613249 1298 2373 100	1076*	1076